They say the Universe began with a bang.

A brief, explosive, concussive, intrusive, definitive, bang.

Seemingly out of the vast expanse of Nothing,

came Something.

It's interesting,

how our ideas work similarly...

Both were birthed out of vast expanses,

of Space and our Imaginations...

One day,

you could be sitting there, alone,

thinking about Something—

your mind can be fixated on some mundane topic,

Or a more Intense Topic,

like a mountain paradise...

...or maybe no topic at all,



—an idea comes into being!

Funny Story—that's exactly how this Studio came around.

Out of Nothing, Something.

That's our philosophy when it comes to creating content here at the NScreen Studios.

We value the origin of your ideas, as your ideas and ours — all ideas, in fact — are one at their very core.

Abrupt interruptions of Nothing, producing Something.

And we think that your Something, is Something Very Special, and deserves to be carefully nurtured and raised that way,

so that your idea can be Something Very Special, indeed.